Wednesday 1 April 2020

4 Online Games to play during lockdown

4 Online Co-Op Games to Play During Lockdown:-

Getting stuck at home with minimal interaction with friends can be difficult, but thankfully, video games exist to take us away from the dull boredom of self-isolations, quarantines, and lockdowns. Here are the five best games to play co-operatively with your friends, without everyone having to crowd around a single screen.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Quite easily one of the best PC RPGs ever made, Divinity: Original Sin 2 has a downright fantastic campaign, stellar writing, and a surprisingly addictive combat system. It also helps that it has support for a co-operative playthrough of the entire campaign with up to three more players. The way different spells and abilities interact with each other, along with the fact that all the players are protagonists, rather than just one of them, helps Divinity: Original Sin 2 feel like it’s a bona fides tabletop RPG given digital life.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Monster Hunter World to bits, and Iceborne basically makes it so there’s more of Monster Hunter World to play through. Despite the game’s rather annoying co-op process which involves creating a custom session, inviting friends, and making sure everyone’s already seen the cutscene for the monster you’re about to hunt, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s co-operative play stands head and shoulders over just about anything else out there, largely thanks to its stellar gameplay and fantastic cast of monsters to fight.

Apex Legends

Apex Legends may not be the first battle royale, but it’s definitely our favourite because of its unique take on the genre with its Legends, along with the downright so-good-that-Fortnite-instantly-stole-the-idea pinging feature. And considering the fact that Apex Legends doesn’t really have an option to play solo – the only game mode outside of events involves 3-player squads – is it really all that surprising that the game becomes even better when playing with friends? Sure, any battle royale game is fun to play with friends, but Apex Legends is fun to begin with, and playing with friends simply enhances the fun.

Gears 5

Considering the fact that Gears of War is a series that once essentially codified the third person shooter for an entire console generation, every single game in the franchise (except for Judgment; we don’t talk about Judgment) has been a downright fantastic co-operative experience. Even the first Gears of War, which didn’t have a Horde mode, had full co-op play for the campaign. And with Gears 5, we have what is possibly one of the best campaigns in the series when it comes to gameplay, along with what is quite possibly the best implementation of Horde mode.

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